Public & National Holidays in Canberra

Canberra is the capital city of Australia. It is Australia’s largest inland city with a population of over 350,000 people. In 1908, the city was elected as the capital of the country, which is located at the North end of the Australian Capital Territory, 660 km North-East of Melbourne and 280 km South-West of Sydney.

In Australia, every state has its own public holidays, while the national public holidays are the same.


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    Holidays in January

    New Year’s Day

    New Year’s Day is a National Holiday in Australia, which is celebrated on January 1. The New Year’s Eve is celebrated all around the globe, with several people holding up a gathering at different social places to count the last one minute before the New Year commences. Fireworks and Crackers are the most important aspect of welcoming the New Year with extreme joy and energy. However, apart from Australia, there are only a limited number of countries where January 1 is a National Holiday.

    Australia’s Day

    Australia’s Day is a National Holiday in Australia, celebrated on January 26 annually. It is the official national day of the country that commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.

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    Holidays in March

    Canberra Day

    Canberra Day is a public holiday, celebrated on the second Monday in March annually to celebrate the official naming of Canberra that happened on March 12, 1913.

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    Holidays in April

    Good Friday

    Good Friday is a national holiday in Australia, and is celebrated on variable dates. It is a religious holiday that is mostly observed by Christian community.

    Easter Saturday

    Easter Saturday, also known as Easter Eve or Holy Saturday, is the day after Good Friday. It is a public holiday in most of Australia’s states, and is celebrated on variable dates.

    Easter Monday

    Easter Monday, also known as Egg Nyte, comes after the Easter Sunday. It is a national holiday in Australia, and is celebrated on variable dates.

    Anzac Day

    Anzac Day is a national holiday in Australia. It is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is celebrated on April 25 annually.

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    Holidays in June

    Queen’s Birthday

    Queen’s Monday is a public holiday in most of the states in Australia, and is celebrated on second Monday in June.

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    Holidays in September

    Family & Community Day

    Family & Community Day is a public holiday, celebrated only in Canberra on the first Monday of 3rd Term School Holidays.

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    Holidays in October

    Labour Day

    Labour Day is a public holiday, celebrated on the first Monday in October.

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    Holidays in December

    Christmas Day

    Christmas Day is a national holiday in Australia as well as in several other countries to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on December 25.

    Boxing Day

    Boxing Day is traditionally the day following Christmas Day, and is a public holiday in most of the states in Australia. It is celebrated on December 26.

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