Public & National Holidays in Colombia

Colombia, officially known as the Republic of Colombia, is one among the unitary constitutional republics with its own public and national holidays. These holidays are legally approved by the government in order to memorialize some of the valuable events in the history of the state. Most of the government and private organizations remain closed during the public and national holidays. Therefore, it is better to keep these holidays in mind while visiting Colombia.
Holidays in January
1st – New Year
Like many other states around the globe, 1st January is a national holiday in Colombia in order to welcome the New Year with hopes and happiness.
6th - Epiphany
It is a Christian holiday in Colombia to rejoice the miracle of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. -
Holidays in March
9th - Saint Joseph's Day
This holiday is also known as “Feast of St. Joseph.” It a Roman Catholic holiday in Colombia in order to party the birth the birthday of St. Joseph - the husband of Mary (mother of Jesus) and the sentinel of Jesus.
Maundy Thursday
This holiday is also called as also known as “Passion Thursday,” “Paschal Thursday” or “Sheer Thursday.” It is a day to celebrate Christian bible’s testament about Jesus Christ’s association of the Eucharist all through the very last dinner with the Apostles. It usually falls on the Thursday prior to Easter.
Good Friday
Good Friday is another Christian holiday in Colombia. It is also called as “Holy Friday,” “Great Friday,” “Black Friday,” or “Easter Friday.” It is celebrated on next day of Maundy Thursday in order to observe Jesus Christ’s fervor, rebirth and death.
Easter Day
It is also known as “Easter Sunday.” It is one among the very famous Christian holidays of Colombia in order to be pleased about Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death, according to the Bible’s New Testament. This holiday usually falls on the last week of March. -
Holidays in May
1st - Labor Day
It is also called as “May Day.” This is a special holiday to acknowledge the contributions of the workers towards the economy and development of Colombia.
Ascension Day
It is also called as “Ascension of Jesus.” It is celebrated on the 44th day (six weeks and a day) of Easter, commemorating the Christian belief about “Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven.” -
Holidays in June
Corpus Christi
It is also known as “Feast of Corpus Christi” “Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ” or “Corpus Domini.” It is celebrated on the 65th after (nine weeks and a day) the Easter Sunday. Therefore, it usually falls in the month of June. This holiday in Colombia commemorates the Christians faith in the body and blood of Jesus Christ and his authentic attendance in the Eucharist.
Sacred Heart
This Christian holiday is also referred as “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.” It falls on the month of June as it is celebrated on the 72nd day (ten weeks and a day) after Easter Sunday. It honors Jesus Christ’s physical heart as the symbol of his eternal love for humankind.
29th - Saint Peter and Saint Paul
This Colombian national holiday is also known as “Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.” It venerates the martyrdom of the great messengers Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome. -
Holidays in July
June 29 - Declaration of Independence
It is an independence day of Colombia. It honors the Colombians’ autonomy from Spain on 20 July, 1810. -
Holidays in August
7th - Battle of Boyacá
It is also known as “New Granada.” It is a national holiday in order to salute the famous battle of Boyacá, in which the Colombians got their hands on ultimate autonomy from Spanish dominance.
15th - Assumption of Mary
This holiday is informally known as “Assumption of Mary.” It honors the eminent Christian belief that “God implicit the Virgin Mary (Jesus Christ’s mother) into paradise after her death. -
Holidays in October
12th - Columbus Day
As the name suggest, this holiday memorializes the anniversary of great explorer Christopher Columbus's advent in the Americas. -
Holidays in November
1st - All Saints’ Day
It is also known as “All Hallows Tide,” “All-Hallomas,”“All Hallows' Day” “Solemnity of All Saints,” or “The Feast of All Saints.” It honors all known and unknown saints for their contributions for Christianity.
11th - Independence of Cartagena
As the name of the holiday clearly suggests, this day commemorates the freedom of Cartagena, beautiful beach resort-city on the Northern coast of Colombia. -
Holidays in December
8th - Immaculate Conception
It commemorates the Christian belief that “Virgin Mary was kept free of all sins and was filled with the holy grace from the moment when she was envisaging in the womb.
25th- Christmas Day
It is another famous Christian Holiday in Columbia with a purpose of merry making on the birthday of Jesus Christ.