Public & National Holidays in Poland

Poland is a country in Central Europe with a population of over 38.5 million people. The capital of the country is Warsaw and there are many public and national holidays that are observed in the country.


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    Holidays in January

    1st – New Year’s Day

    Nowy Rok (Nowy Rok) is observed on the first day of the New Year according to Gregorian calendar. People from all across the country celebrate this day and it is the most awaited day in Poland. Polish people take vows about things to do in the next 12 months and they make their New Year’s resolutions.

    6th – Epiphany

    Known as Objawienie Pańskie (Trzech Króli), Epiphany is in effect since 2011 and it celebrated in most parts of the country. 6th January is an official holiday in Poland and is celebrated with great enthusiasm.

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    Holidays in April

    1st – Easter Monday

    Poniedziałek Wielkanocny or Easter Monday is one of the most awaited days in Poland. People from each and every religion in the country celebrate this day with great respect.

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    Holidays in May

    1st – Labour Day

    Labour Day is an international holiday and is celebrated in Poland as well. The day is observed to commemorate the hard work of country’s labour and it is a national holiday.

    2nd – National Flag Day

    The day is observed to pay respect to the flag of Poland. 2nd May is the date when the flag of the country was formulated.

    3rd – Constitution Day

    Święto Konstytucji Trzeciego Maja is the day when the constitution of Poland was formulated. Ever since, the day is celebrated with great respect and it is a public and National Holiday in the European country.

    30th - Corpus Christi

    Ciała i Krwi Pańskiej (Boże Ciało) is the catholic church holiday and is observed country wide with great respect. This day has a great significance in Polish history.

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    Holidays in August

    15th – Assumption of the Virgin Mary

    Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny is the day of Polish Army. It is observed to pay respect to the soldiers of the Battle of Warsaw in 1920.

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    Holidays in November

    1st – All Saints’ Day

    Wszystkich Świętych is observed to commemorate the working of Saints in Poland and it is a public holiday in the country.

    11th – Independence Day

    November 11 is the independence day of Poland and it is celebrated in each and every part of the country. People share gifts and visit museums on this day.

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    Holidays in December

    25th – Christmas Day

    Christmas is observed with great enthusiasm and respect in Poland on December 25th.

    26th – St. Stephen´s Day

    St. Stephen´s Day or second day of Christmas or Boxing Day is one of the most awaited days in Poland. People travel to their relatives and family dinners are arranged on this day.

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