Public & National Holidays in USA
United States of America (USA) is one among the developed countries of the world with all latest inventions and luxuries. Nevertheless, it doesn’t enjoy the national holiday due to its constitutional reasons. The laws don’t allow the employees to close their business and get a day off. However, the federal holidays have also been made public holidays in all 50 states of USA. Employees work during the public and national holidays in USA, but various events are organized in accordance with the theme of the events.
Holidays in January
New Year's Day - January 1
It is a public holiday to welcome the New Year, recalling the memories of previous year.
Martin Luther King Day – January
This public holiday is held on the third Monday of January every year in order to celebrate the life and accomplishments of the famous Martin Luther King Jr., a significant American civil rights leader. -
Holidays in February
Washington's Birthday - February
It is also known as Presidents' Day. This federal holiday is held on the third Monday of February every year in order to honor all the well-known presidents of the United States of America. -
Holidays in May
Memorial Day - May
It was formally known as Decoration Day. It is observed on the last Monday of May in order to honor all men and women, who have lost their lives in military service for the United States. -
Holidays in July
Independence Day – July
This national holiday is often known as "the Fourth of July". It is celebrated on July 4 every year as an anniversary of the publication of the assertion of independence from Great Britain in 1776. -
Holidays in September
Labor Day – September
It is celebrated on the first Monday of September annually in order to acknowledge various labor associations' contributions to the United States’ economy. -
Holidays in October
Columbus Day - October
It is observed on the second Monday of October per year to pay tribute to Christopher Columbus for his arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492. -
Holidays in November
Veterans Day- November
This national holiday falls on November 11 every year. As the name suggests, it is observes to pay tribute to the veterans’ services to the United States.
Thanksgiving Day - November
It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year in order to give thanks for the good things, people and fortunate events in humans’ lives. -
Holidays in December
Christmas Day – December
It is a national Christian holiday that is annually celebrated on December 25 to commemorate Jesus Christ's birth.