Raspberry Lime Rickey Recipe

Raspberries are juicy and refreshing. In addition to being delicious, raspberries are extremely healthy for stomach. I always loved to eat raspberries. Only some time ago, I came across a recipe for raspberry lime rickey. I read the recipe and said to myself that I had to try it. It will not be wrong to say that you could drink this incredible and refreshing beverage all day, all summer long.
In addition to having a Raspberry in it, the beverage contains strong sidekick of lime, enhancing the taste of the final product.

It is the perfect balance. Consider adding some fizzy club soda and you will have the opportunity to taste a heavenly drink.
The ingredients used to prepare are pure and unprocessed, making the Raspberry Lime Rickey a very healthy fruit drink. The method to prepare it is pretty simple. All one has to do is make a raspberry lime syrup and then add some club soda with crushed ice or ice cubes.

You could also keep the syrup in the refrigerator in the fridge long before using. Effectively, you could enjoy it even for days after making it. The amount of raspberry syrup used in each glass varies from person to person. The taste of club soda can also be controlled by managing the quantity. All in all, it is a perfect summer beverage, capable of adding drama to your feast.

All the ingredients can be easily obtained from a local grocery shop. Ice cubes can be bought from the nearest supermarket. For those, who do not want to crush ice in the blender, they should consider getting crushed ice.

Preparation time: 4-5 minutes
Servings: Any

Calories: 186
Fat: 0.1 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg


12 oz. package frozen raspberries
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup water
4 teaspoons grated zest and 1/2 cup juice from 4 limes (It took 4 limes to get the 1/2 cup juice but I only used the zest from 3 limes – it was plenty)
Club soda, chilled


  • 1

    Take a sugar pan. Add raspberries sugar and water in it and heat them up until the raspberries start to release juices. Then take a potato masher and mash the raspberries until they break down. Add the mashed raspberries to the lime zest. Mix them up until the mixture is thickened. The entire process will take 10-15 minutes.

    1.Take a sugar pan. Add raspberries sugar and water in it and heat them up until the raspberries start to release juices. Then take a potato masher and mash the raspberries until they break down. Add the mashed raspberries to the lime zest. Mix them up until the mixture is thickened. The entire process will take 10-15 minutes.

  • 2

    Pass the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Press on solids to extract the liquid, which in this case will be raspberry juice. You should be able to obtain 2.5 cups of raspberry syrup.

  • 3

    Discard the solids and put the syrup in a refrigerator to cool down for at least 30 minutes. Add .75 cup of club soda and 3 tablespoons syrup in glassed filled up with ice.

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