Sales Appointment Request Email

Sales promotion is an important part of any business and without it the company could find it impossible to survive. There are many ways in which sales promotion can be done and personally meeting a potential client or letting him or her know about what you have to offer is one of the best ways.

One can email perspective clients in order to setup a sales appointment. It is a formal email which is sent to gain a favourable response.

Start the email with a brief introduction of your goods and services to the perspective client in the first paragraph. Make sure that you give just enough information to keep them interested.

In the next paragraph, tell the person about how your goods or services can impact their company or them as a person and request a sales appointment.

In the last paragraph, thank them for their time and express hope that you will be meeting them soon.


  • 1

    Sample of Sales Appointment Request Email

    Dear Mr. Spencer,

    I am emailing you on behalf of Wonder Books, a company that has been providing books to thousands of people over the last 15 years. We offer books on wholesale rates and also offer many other related services to facilitate our clients.

    Your store New Books is one of the upcoming book businesses in town and we are looking forward to an opportunity to providing your store will all kinds of books. There are many options available for pricing and terms of payment as we always look to facilitate our clients.

    We would like to thank you for taking the time to read our email. We will be looking forward to a positive response on your end for a personal meeting in which more relevant details can be discussed.


    Ryan Smith
    Sales Manager
    Wonder Books

  • 2

    Template of Sales Appointment Request Email

    Dear [Name of Recipient],

    We are emailing to let you know [Company Name] is now in town and we are offering all kinds of sports as well as gym equipment for the most competitive prices in the market.

    [Addressee’s Company Name] is one of the most well known gyms in the area and it will be a pleasure for us to provide you with supplies of the highest quality. It will indeed be an honour for our company to partner with such a well known name as yourself.

    Please allow us to provide you with a personal demonstration of what we have to offer at a time of your liking. We look forward to your positive response.


    [Sender’s Name]
    [Company Name]

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