Student Leave Letter

Depending on the grade, student leave letters are either written by parents, on behalf of their children, or by students themselves, if they are old enough. Assuming you fall in the latter category, we will show you how to write a student leave letter. We have also given samples and a template for your own use.

Tips for Writing a Student Leave Letter

  • Address the letter to your headmaster, school administrator or the principal.
  • Give a good reason for requesting a leave
  • Clearly mention the number of leaves you intend to take.
  • Share how you intend to makeup for the lost time.


  • 1

    Sample of a Student Leave Letter #1

    Mr Joseph MacGuire
    Head Master
    London College for Boys
    21 Education Ave., London, United Kingdom

    April 1, 201

    Subject: Leave Request

    Dear Mr. Macguire,

    I am enrolled in the Business program at the London College for Boys and my Roll number is 12345. Due to my sister’s wedding on the 5th of April, I will not be able to attend classes from April 4 to April 7, 2010.

    I would like to request a leave during this time. I have discussed the matter with Mr. Rudolph Gerald and he has given me a positive response. I will also make sure that I am up to date with all the missed work on my return.

    I would like to thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Megan Myers
    Roll No: 12345

  • 2

    Student Leave Letter Sample #2

    John Mayer
    Kennedy High School

    Fredrick Kline

    Date: November 2, 2009

    Dear Mr. Mayer,

    I am currently a full-time student in the 12th grade at Kennedy High School and my student ID is 12345. I have a scheduled dentist’s appointment on Monday, November 4th and will need the day off for it.

    I have attached my appointment slip and will provide all other documentation once I return from the dentist’s office.

    Kindly consider my request.

    Fredrick Kline

  • 3

    Template of a Student Leave Letter

    (Name or principal/administrator)
    (Title or position at Institute)
    (Name of School/University)
    (Address of School/University)


    Subject: (Subject of letter)

    Dear (Principal/Headmaster's last name),

    I am writing this letter to inform you that  I will not be able to attend (School/College) from (Start date) to (End date) on account of (Your reason for leave).

    During my absence, I have asked (Classmate's name) to make notes for me, and record the lectures so I don't miss out on anything.

    I intend to return back to (School/College) on (Return date).

    Please let me know if you have any concerns,


    (Your Name)
    (Student Id or Roll Number)

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