Secretary’s Day Overview

Sometimes making a subordinate feel important can prove to be helpful in ameliorating his or her work efficiency. If you happen to be a boss around then you would always agree to this truth that a few tasks might not have been possible without your secretary who works quietly sitting in one corner of your office. You must have given the secretary few tasks today but remember that today has something special for your secretary. This is because April 24 is observed as Secretary Day. If you think that you have never rewarded your secretary for all the hard work and dedication, then April 24 is perhaps the right one for this purpose. If you do not know what to do then there can be a few good things that can be associated with Secretary’s Day to make your secretary feel special.
Background of Secretary’s Day
Like so many other days in a calendar are associated with various personnel, the days from April 22 to April 28 are meant for to be associated with the Administrative Staff. Hence, April 24 is observed as Secretary’s Day and is associated with all those employees working at the post of a secretary.
Significance of Secretary’s Day
The secretary is one of the staff members in an office who is mostly in direct contact with the boss. For this reason, he or she has to directly handle so many matters with work load sometimes more than the other employees. Hence, it can be deduced that observing April 24 as Secretary’s Day is to show some appreciation for all those working at the post of a secretary.
Celebrating Secretary’s Day
If you are a boss then you can always have this day celebrated in a special way. Doing a few things on this day can make it a real memorable one for your secretary.
A Card or Certificate. Instead of assigning task for April 24, place a card on the top of your secretary’s table wishing Happy Secretary’s Day or a Certificate of Appreciation for him or her.
A surprise gift. This can be a day in a salon or spa for the secretary at your expense or ticket for movie that should cater the entire family.
Day off. Keeping in view that your secretary works hard with dedication just be generous and call it a day off for him or her to relax and enjoy at home with family and friends.
New Office Chair. The old chair might have done a touch uncomfortable for your secretary. Present a brand new and comfortable chair as a gift for secretary’s day.
Increment or Bonus. This can be something very best for the secretary if you give some increment in the salary or some kind of bonus as a part of Secretary’s Day celebrations.