Security in London During Olympics

No matter how small an event is, the factor of safety and security has always been an utmost priority for the management as well as for the visitors. Likewise other festivals and occasions, the government of London has been paying a huge some of attention, towards London Olympics’s protection and well-being measures. Olympics are going to be year 2012’s highlighted event, not only for the people of United Kingdom, but for the entire world. Sports fans in urge to see their favorite game live, and to support their country will be arriving in the capital city of England from every corner of the world. Visitors would definitely enjoy their trip with glee, if security and safety measures are perfectly managed.


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    Safety Measures For International Visitors:

    Every country has its own relevant security checks; likewise, British government might prohibit or restrict those items, which are allowed to be carried in your country. It would be much easier for you to travel and enjoy your trip in London, United Kingdom, if you go through the banned and restricted items list.

    Usually items that are restricted at airports are very much similar to the ones that are constrained at Olympics venue.

    Pepper Spray, fireworks, flares, matches, inflammable liquids and solids, oxidizing material, ticket badges, life jackets, lithium batteries, cigarette lighters, sharp edges metal material items (nail cutter, butter knives, nail filer, etc)

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    Safety Measures at Venue’s Entrance Gate:

    Make sure that you have your ticket with you, or else you will not be allowed to pass through the entrance gate.

    If you intend to carry a hand bag then it should be small enough to place it under the chair or in your lap.

    The fewer things you are carrying, more quickly you will pass the inquiry and checking spot.

    If you are carrying a prohibited item then it will get confiscated by the security, you will not get it back.

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    Self Security:

    Being an asthma patient make sure that you have your medicated asthma pump with you. Do not forget to keep your passport and identity card so that God forbid in unwanted accidents you are easily identified or the security can contact your family.

    Do not get alarmed because all possible medical facilities along with doctors and ambulances will be available at the venue.

    If you are confused about UK's law then instead of taking help from any unknown person contact the police as soon as possible, in order to stay away from any mishap.

    If an unfamiliar package or an action makes you disturbed or startled inform the securities in next to no time.

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