Signs of Emotional Distress in Infants

No matter how much the concept of babies being emotionally distressed rings false, it is actually true. It is hard to digest that even infants cannot escape the misery of emotional ups and downs. Parents would never want their children to go through the stress even when the children have become adults, but during infancy, it is completely up to the parents to keep the baby away from any and all sorts of anxiety.
Obviously there were times when such problems did not even exist, but with the world getting busy by the second, a lot of things have taken different routes. Day care centres are becoming a very popular and lucrative business and stem from the parents who do not have enough time to look after their children.
Even when busy and occupied, the parents have no reason for not spending quality time once they do get back home. Less but well enriched and balanced time with the children when they are infants lays the strong foundations of future relationship.
A baby’s constant supervision (which is his/her right too) will help figuring out if the infant has the emotional distress, and once it does run positive, you at least will not blame yourself for not being around the infant long enough to figure out what the poor thing was actually suffering through.
In case you are a first time mom then you should know that the babies can only communicate through their vocals, facial expressions, physical movements and the way they behave in the presence of strangers or relatives other than parents.
If all the above mentioned signs are showing off red, then you should first dig into the reason. The baby’s behaviour can also be due to hunger, an unchanged diaper, or the baby just being generally uncomfortable. Confirm the reason first and foremost.
If the crying is unusually high pitched then there are high chances that the baby is not only hungry or uneasy, but is facing some other issue. On the other extreme end, staying silent or whimpering too, are not good indicators.
Now take a good look at the expression, it will often be coupled with the high pitch, the face will either go red or will get scrunched.
Yet another sign that the infants show if uncomfortable is, squirming.
If your baby constantly reaches out for you when picked up by someone else, take that as a sign to visit the paediatric instantly.