Simplyus Makes Couple’s Lives Resplendent and Lively

There is a significant increase in a number of apps that are entirely based on the idea of sharing between couples. Many apps like Pair and Cupple that are exactly designed for couples, offering excellent features such as sharing pictures, places and much more.

SimplyUs is the recent entrant in the couple-sharing mobile app space. This app was launched on the Apple App Store, and intends to make couples happier while reducing stress and keep you close to your partner.

Most of the other apps that are basically created for couples, enables them to keep a personal collection of photos and memories whilst offering private communication tools as well. However, SimplyUs is entirely different from them. The main idea behind this app is to make the couple’s lives resplendent and lively. Its incredible features like joint calendaring and list tools help couples to organize their lives together.

It was basically Jonathan James’s idea, who was previously working at Microsoft, experienced it personally when he was deeply involved in his work, and couldn’t be able to give time to his wife.

With the help of this app, users can share or update their items in their current calendaring system either from within the app or from outside applications. The list function in this app allows users to add To-Dos, as well as grocery or shopping list. It also provides photo sharing capability. In addition to that, you can comment on items and add explanatory notes in calendar items.

James, whose wife recently had a baby, says “I am more convinced than ever that what we are building is an incredibly useful tool for couples”. He and his wife find this app extremely useful in typically stressful process. He says “It brings them closer together, reduces stress and increases happiness.”

James is quite confident to keep couples connected and using the app. He was previously using Pair but gradually he lost interest in it. According to him, SimplyUs is comparatively instrumental tool than Pair and he will continue using it in the future as well.

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