Splashing Money Into Battlefield 3 Premium

The online overwhelming game Battlefield 3 Premium has sabotaged its user’s thrill, after charging fee, for the online combat. The report seen on Neogaf.com explains that users who intend to have priority access on the server or the downloadable content will have to pay specific amount of charges.

From 4th of June EA plans to impose charges on the additional exclusive service, but along with new changes several question arise, is it worth it? Should users splash the cash on Battlefield 3 Premium?

Battlefield 3 Premium is not offering the annual subscription service like Activation’s Call of Duty does; Battlefield 3 Premium is equivalent to the past season and buyers will be given a chance to buy five packs with no additional cost, this will also include some additional bonuses along with exclusive items.

The cost of Battlefield 3 Premium is $ 49.99, and 4,000 Microsoft Points, whereas the price range in pounds still has to be confirmed.

With no additional cost, this range will allow you to access all five expansion packs of the Battlefield 3 Premium; Close Quarters, Back To Karkand, Armored Kill, Aftermath, and End Game. The best part is that two weeks earlier, before the non premium players, you will get access to the game. Before the Xbox 360 players and the PC players get their hands on the game, the Playstation 3 users will receive it a week earlier.

Yes according to analysis and by viewing the statistics this deal is worth it! Buying each pack separately will cost you around £50; where as the price tag on Battlefield Premium 3 is off £34.99, which means you will save £15.

So you really do not have to say goodbye to your gaming memories, because even though they are imposing charges on the online setup, still you will be granted with several other benefits.

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