Sponsorship Appeal Letter

Sponsorship appeal letter and the scholarship appeal letter can be confused with each other, but one should take a bit to look into the deep difference between the two. Scholarship is provided to the most eligible candidate by the institution itself, the one that they are studying in. However, a sponsorship does not have to be from the institution that you are studying in, the funds for your higher and further education can be provided by a well fare organisation.

Knowing how to write effective sponsorship appeals when aiming to pursue your higher education is crucial for future success. Your emphasis when drafting a sponsorship appeal has to be on your credibility and eligibility for being granted the sponsorship.

Of course the foundation would have other appeals too, so in order to set yours apart, you will have to high light the reasons for you being the best candidate for the sponsorship.

When opening the letter, introduce yourself specially with the academic background and the current enrollment. Get on to the plan that you have in mind and then state that how would the sponsorship prove beneficial for you. Put a positive closing to the letter.


  • 1

    Sample of a Sponsorship Appeal Letter

    Mr. Randy Brooks
    Managing Director – Well Being Trust and Foundation
    West Alabama Street
    Virginia C-74657

    June 5, 2012

    Subject: Sponsorship Appeal Letter

    Dear Mr. Brooks,

    I am a Bachelors student at Foxford University and have the last semester left to go. In the meanwhile, I applied for the Masters program at Rainforest University and have got the provisional admission on the basis my extraordinary marks.

    Getting the admission turned out easier than I expected, but my family cannot arrange the expense of my education at the Masters level so kindly sponsor me the way you have blessed so many needy students before me.

    The enclosed transcripts and certificates should help my case by impressing you.

    Kindly look into it as your assistance at this stage will impact my career growth.

    Thanking you in advance,

    Rebecca Robbins

  • 2

    Template of a Sponsorship Appeal Letter

    [Name of the receiver]
    [Designation in the trust]
    [Name of the trust]
    [Address of the trust]



    Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]

    I have completed my Bachelors degree with [  ]% score and my admission for the Masters program has been given the green light too. The only obstacle for me in getting enrolled this session is the lack of funds.

    In order to avoid any gaps in my education, I am writing in this appeal for you to sponsor my further education as it will play an instrumental role in my career path.

    My enclosed documents will give you a fair idea about my competency for receiving the sponsorship.

    Thanks and regards,

    [Your Name]

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