Steps to Become a Journalist

A Journalist gathers and distributes news and other information. Reporter is a type of it which researches, writes and reports news, takes interviews and make reports. Journalist also includes editors, editorial writers and columnists. This profession has adapted a range of ethics and standards. However, it is important that they should be less bias.

This profession may reward great pay and be entertaining at same time. However, good education is the basis for this field. You need to have passion to become a journalist and should love to write.


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    Choosing the right institute

    First of all you need to jolt down top institutes which offer journalism degree. Choose a well known college where you can practices as well to get your journalism degree. You can also specialise in communication or get English degree as well.

    Some journalists simply get a journalism degree while some professional journalists take different journalism related degrees before starting their career.

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    Choose the type of journalist you want to become

    Next you chose in which type of media you want to go. Journalists work in several types of media including radio, T.V, newspapers, photo and even online.

    Broadcasting journalists broadcast the news across the electronic media. It refers to radio and television. And they offer pictures along with short informative stories.

    Print media includes anything written on a paper and this includes brochures, newspapers and magazines.

    An online journalist involves the internet medium to spread the news and other information. Blogging, Internet stories and websites all comes under this type of journalism.

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    Get internship

    It is preferable to get an internship while you are studying in school. It will not only give you exposure but you get to know about this field. Even if you are not opting for this field but an internship in journalism in your schooling days can come handy.

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    You should start applying for journalism in job finding websites or in job fairs. For this you must need to make a CV or resume. Past experience or internship of any kind related to this field may come handy. While trying to enter this field, give your resume to every media related companies and stay in touch with them.

    You should also visit journalism conventions every year and give your resumes to employers there.

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    Take your teachers guide

    Take help from your seniors who must be working in media companies. Tell them to inform you when their respective companies are hiring.

    Also talk to your teachers or professors who most probably know a lot about this field and even have experience. They may be able to guide you properly and help you in finding a good job.

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