Steps to Recognize Chronic Anxiety

Anxiety is the strong desire or feeling of worry to do something or cause something to happen with an uncertain outcome. It is not unusual to be worried about the uncertainties of life but when it becomes a mainstay in your life you need to understand that you have a problem.

Worrying can be helpful when it shoots you to take action and crack a problem. But if you are persistently worried with “what ifs” and worst-case situations, worry becomes a problem. Cruel doubts and fears can be paralyzing. They can sap your emotional energy, send your anxiety levels mounting and cause unhealthy procrastination in your daily life. But worrying is a psychological habit that can be shattered. You can train your brain to remain peaceful and look at life from a more positive viewpoint.


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    Symptoms of anxiety can vary, depending on the type of anxiety disorder, but general symptoms include:

    Feelings of fright, distress, and nervousness
    Problems sleeping
    Sweaty or cold hands or feet
    Breath shortened
    An incapability to be still and composed
    Dry mouth
    Numbness or burning in the hands or feet
    Muscle tension


    If you feel a combination of these things, then you are most likely a chronic anxiety sufferer.

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    Why you keep worrying

    You have diverse feelings about your worries. On one hand, your uncertainties are troubling you—you can't sleep, and you can't get these cynical thoughts out of your head. But there are ways that these uncertainties create sense to you. For example, you think:

    Possibly I'll find a solution.
    I don't need to overlook anything.
    If I keep thinking a little longer, perhaps I'll figure it out.
    I don't want to be stunned.
    I want to be accountable.


    You have a tough time giving up on your uncertainties because, in a sense, your uncertainties have been working for you.

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    Why is it difficult to tame anxiety?

    It’s tough to be industrious in your daily life when fretfulness and worry are dominating your thoughts. But what can you do? Most chronic anxiety suffers describe their anxious thoughts overpowering to point that it cripples them. You may have attempted to do lots of things to counter your anxiety, from distracting yourself, thinking with your worries, and trying to think and stay positive, but nothing at all seems to work.

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    We feed our anxieties

    Finally, you must understand that your anxiety is like a parasite that you can either choose to feed or starve. The choice is binary, so do not ever think you can just ignore it. As a result, every time you start worrying you are purposely feeding this parasite in your mind that will continue to drain you. Dealing with it on the other hand, starves it leaving you calm and centered to live your best life. There are many options available to treat chronic anxiety. See our upcoming articles to find out how to deal with anxiety with and without medication.

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