Street Care And Cleaning In London

Street care and cleaning is the responsibility of the local authority or council in a borough. These authorities handle the cleaning of footpaths, public roads and market areas. In addition to this the local councils also clean up dumped rubbish, remove abandoned vehicles, remove graffiti, empty litter bins and wash down footpaths, as all these things are a part of their street cleaning service. Several Londoners must be aware of most of these street cleaning services of the local councils, but only few know the details related these services. To find out about the details of each street cleaning service of the local councils in London, view this guide.


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    Following are the street care and cleaning services that a local council usually provides in London.

    Abandoned Vehicles:

    The local councils deal with abandoned vehicles by following a proper procedure of both, disposal and removal. People can also report about an abandoned vehicle in a region, and if a report is already registered then they can also keep a track of it.  


    The word fly-tipping is used in Britain for dumping waste in an illegal manner. It is also one of the duties of the local council to take action against such cases. Therefore, people can report about fly-tipping at their local council office.


    Spraying, drawings, writing or scratching illegally on a wall or any other surface in public places is known as graffiti. Those who are facing this problem can report about this illicit act to their local council so they that preventive measures can be taken against it.

    Sex and Drug Litter:

    If in an area, sex and drug related litter is thrown in an open place, the local council will help you in removing such waste upon any such notification.  


    Flyposting is a term that is used for placing marketing flyers or posters on walls or other surfaces. So information in this regard will be handy for a council in order to catch and fine a person who is involved in flyposting.

    Nuisance vehicles:

    Nuisance vehicle is a term used for vehicles that are for sale on the road or one that is being repaired on the highway or road. This is an illegal act as per Highways Act 1980 and Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. Report if you witness such illegal activity in your area to the local council.


    Under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, throwing or dropping litter or waste in open places is also an offense. This includes dropping of cigarettes or smoking related litter as well.

    Dead Animals:

    If a person finds a dead bird or any other animal in his or her area or has lost their pet then the local council office will be the place where they should be heading to report about it. After registering the report, the local council will take necessary actions to remove the body of the animal or bird or begin a search for the lost pet.

    Animal Fouling:

    Removal of animal fouling from public places is also a duty of the council. In addition to this, the council will also give a fine to an animal owner who fails to clear up his pet’s waste.

    Commercial/Business Waste:

    Councils in London allow businesses to clear up their rubbish or waste material themselves, or by hiring a contractor.

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    Report Street Care and Cleaning:

    Report regarding street care and cleaning is usually made to a local council, as the local authorities in London take care of such matters.

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    Contact your Local Coucnil:

    If a person wants to get in touch with his or her local council, but does not have their contact details, then clicks here.

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