Sympathy Email to Family

Writing a sympathy email to a family is quite difficult as you have to keep it concise and comprehensive. Furthermore, you have to use kind and supportive words to express your love and compassion towards the family. You can just start the email by expressing about your feelings. Then, you can write about the relationship which you shared with the person they have just lost, but don’t be over-dramatic about it and use kind words. You can end your email by leaving a sympathetic remark and a true expression of love.


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    Sample of Sympathy Email to Family


    Subject: Condolence on death of Mr. James Sympathy

    Dear Smith,

    I have just heard about the painful news of your father’s death. I am writing to express my deepest sympathies and compassion for you and your family on this heart-rending incident.

    I am extremely sorry that I could not come on the funeral last week as I was out of town and got to know about it quite late. But, you have all my compassion and support on this hard time in your life. Mr. James was one of the most inspirational persons for me. He always treated me as I was his son. Moreover, he gave me some of the most valuable advices of my life. He was an honourable man. I pray that may his soul rest in peace.

    Since you are the eldest son, therefore you have to become more responsible so that you can provide shelter to your little brothers and sisters. Please take good care of yourself. Do let me know if you need any kind of help from me.

    With my deepest sympathies,

    Jack Ricky

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    Template of Sympathy Email to Family

    To: [Recipient’s email]

    Subject: [Subject of the email]

    Dear [Recipient’s name],

    I have just received the sad news about your father’s death. So, I am writing this email to express my love and compassion for your family.

    I was out of station for few days because of which I could not come on the funeral. So, please accept my apologies for that. You father was a great man and I have learnt a lot of things from him which have helped me in every aspect of my life. I pray that may his soul rest in peace.

    If you need any kind of help, please let me know.

    Intimate sympathies from my side,

    [Your Name]

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