Sympathy Email to Supervisor

If you have been a good worker at your company and see that your supervisor or boss has fallen ill, it is time to show him that you care for your co-workers. Being sympathetic at a workplace should not be about proving yourself a good worker and getting a salary raise, it should be about being nice and kind. A sympathy email to the boss/supervisor can make you express your feelings in a better way.

Start the email by using salutations like Dear Sir or Dear (name). If you use the name of the person you are writing to, the impact will be better and reader will feel the email really belongs to him.

The first paragraph of the sympathy email should focus on acknowledging the pain, problem or loss. You may be writing to someone who might have lost a family member. In that case, the first words should express your condolences. If you are writing to a person who is ill, you should sympathize with them by saying that you are sorry to hear about their illness.

In the following paragraphs, you can extend your condolences or sympathy to other members of his/her family. Share your experience with the person and express hope for a better future.

Conclude the email with salutations like “with love” or “with deepest sympathy.”


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    Sample Sympathy Email to Supervisor

    Dear Mr. Peter,

    I am extremely sorry to hear about your illness. It has been three days since we worked together at the site. I really sympathize with you and hope that you will be back on your feet soon and join us at work again.

    I came to know about your illness when I returned to work from a one-week leave and really miss your supervision at the site. It is heartening to know that your health is improving fast and you will recover completely in a week or two.

    Do not get yourself upset about the ongoing work at the site. All my co-workers are very cooperative and are keeping an eye on every task. I pray for your health and hope to see you back at work soon.

    With deepest sympathy,

    Nick Orwell

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    Template of Sympathy Email to Supervisor

    Dear _________,

    I am saddened to know that you are ill and have not able to resume your duties at the company indefinitely. I, and all the co-workers are really worried about your health, but we hope that you will join us soon.

    The production department, which depends on your supervision, is functioning at full capacity. Despite your absence, the production activities are going on and we have no issues getting the final approval from the quality assurance department.

    However, we do miss your supervision and guidance. We are hopeful that you will join us before the end of this month. We all pray for your health.

    With love,

    [Name of Sender]

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