Symptoms of a Sinus Headache

Having a sinus headache can be a very unpleasant experience for both men and women. Sinus headaches are caused when the sinus, which are basically air pockets or cavities located near your cheeks, nose and above the eyes become inflamed and blocked. Sinus congestion is called sinusitis which is usually brought on by allergies, colds and respiratory infections. Sinus headaches can be very painful as inflammation of the sinus makes it difficult to lean forward causing discomfort in the face and head region. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between tension headaches, migraines and sinus headaches. Below are some symptoms to look out for to help you determine if you are suffering from a sinus headache.


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    Pain in temperature changes:

    A sure shot way of determining if you are suffering from a sinus headache is if you suffer from any pain or discomfort when there are sudden changes in the temperature. This usually occurs when going from a warm place directly into a cooler area. If you feel pain in your face or head, it could mean that you have a sinus headache.

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    Morning headache pain:

    If you wake up in the morning and feel a dull pain in your face and head, chances are that you are suffering from a sinus headache. The pain is caused by the fact that the body has been still all night and mucous is causing congestion in the sinus areas.

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    Face or head pressure:

    Having strong or acute pressure-like pain around particular areas of the face and head can be a good indication that you are suffering from a sinus headache. Usually this pain is a result of inflammation and congestion of the sinus in a specific area around the face.

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    Moving head causes pain:

    If by moving your head from side to side or front to back causes pain, there is a strong possibility that you could be suffering from a sinus headache. The pain is caused by the fact that the sinus cavities are inflamed and congested. Pain while moving your head around can be a good indication that you have a sinus headache.

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    Touching your face hurts:

    Another symptom of a sinus headache is when you try to touch your face and pain occurs. The sinus cavities which are congested become sensitive to pressure when you touch your face. This can usually confirm that you might be suffering from a sinus headache.

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    Pain in face and head after cold or flu:

    If you feel headache or facial pain during or after having a bad flu or cold then there is a strong possibility that you could have a sinus headache. Usually having a cold or flu can cause the nasal passages and sinus cavities to become congested causing severe pain and discomfort.

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    Sore Throat or Fever:

    Having a sore throat or a fever are also indicators that you could have a sinus headache. Postnasal drip caused by an inflamed sinus cavity can lead to a sore throat and fever.

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