Ten Tips for Better Time Management

It is important for each and every one of us to develop strategies on how to manage our time. By doing so, we can easily manage conflicting demands and avoid unnecessarily wasting time. We have all experienced lapses in one or more areas of our lives, simply because we neglected the ‘’time factor.’’ How many times have you been carried away doing something, simply because you thought time was on your side? And by the time it dawns on you, you realize that your time has been fast spent on things you never had planned-out for that particular day.

Nevertheless, if time management has been an issue of concern for you, no need to worry again. Right within this article, you will come across ten tips to help you manage your time properly.



  • 1

    Plan your day

    Before stepping out of your house, make sure you make a plans of all the things you need to get done on for that day. And most importantly, make sure you stick to them, and avoid making any form of post-changes, unless, it’s very important.


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    Get an early start

    Start out your day very early and get the best of doing as many things as you would love to do on a daily basis. If you have some assignments to do before leaving your house, wake up earlier than usual to them. By doing that, you’ll create for yourself more time to get other things done.


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    Devote your entire focus to task at hand

    When engaged in a task, try your best to focus your mind on it, until it’s done. Avoid dividing your attention, it’ll only slow you down and can easily cause you to become mentally fatigue which is the last thing you want.


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    Carry your schedule with you always

    Your all day or week long schedules and plans made-out, should always be with you at all times. Fortunately for you, technology has made things easier for us. With a good smart phone, you can have your schedule planned-out and easily accessed anytime and anywhere. That way, you know what you have to do at all times and avoid whiling away time for nothing.

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    Do the most important things first

    The most important things should always be the things you attend to first. You might be wondering why? But the truth is this, knowing you’ve done your most important duties for a particular day will let you ease into the rest of the day without giving you any stress or worry at all.


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    Do the right things at the right time

    As the saying goes, ‘’procrastination is the thief of time.’’  If you have a school project to submit before midnight, instead of postponing it and doing something else, do it instantly and be sure you’ve wisely used your time. Otherwise, you might just end up not doing it at all.

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    Block out every form of distraction

    If you have your day planned-out already, then make sure that nothing else that happens in between should distract you. Maybe you were invited to a group chat on ‘’Facebook,’’ or invited to have lunch with the boys, because you have work waiting for you, don’t give in. unless of course, your schedule says you are completely free!

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    Learn to say ‘’no’’

    Half of the time you spend trying get work done, you might be tempted to do something else, like watching a movie or taking a nap, which after you engage will probably dissuade you from going back to finish your work. Unless of course you feel the need to relax your mind and so on, always say ‘’no’’ to your urges.


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    Avoid overloading your daily to-do-list

    Be realistic about all the work you are looking to get done in one day. If your workload is too congested, you might just end up overworking your mind, which can result to fatigue and possibly cause you to do nothing at all.

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    With these tips, you can be sure of managing your time in the best and most reasonably possible ways ever.

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