Tomato and Red Pepper Pasta Salad Recipe

Out of recipes to make in lunch or bored of the same old ones? Try the Tomato and Red Pepper Pasta Salad. It is as exotic as it sounds. The heavenly combination of red pepper and tomatoes is back and this time it is with pasta which makes it all the more appealing. A sauce topping of fresh plum tomatoes with red pepper and other ingredients when poured over the pasta makes it the perfect meal for a summer lunch. Follow our step by step guide and make yourself a salad that is going to stay on your favorite menu for a long long time. Master it and the next time you invite guests, surprise and delight them because the love for good food is a universal one.

Preparation Time:30 minutes (including pasta cooking time)
Serving Size: 8 person
Utensils: pan, mixing bowl, spoon and salad platter.


– 12 fresh ripe tomatoes
– 3 cloves garlic, mince them up
– 1 red pepper, seeded and then chopped
– 1 packet pasta
– 2 tablespoons olive oil
– 20 basil leaves
– salt and pepper according to taste (freshly ground pepper tastes and smells great)


  • 1

    First prepare the sauce. Chop the tomatoes finely. Add the garlic, red pepper and basil and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper according to taste preference and mix well to get the ingredients finely distributed. Leave this mixture on the kitchen table for around an hour so that the ingredients mix well and make a paste form.

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    Now make the pasta. You can follow the packet instructions for that. This usually includes adding the dry pasta to salted boiling water till they become tender. Drain the water and let the pasta cool down.

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    Add the sauce you made earlier to the pasta like a topping. Toss well so that both the items mix. Your salad is ready. Dig in!!

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