Top 10 Advantages of Oiling Hair

Our hair make our natural crown. Their health and appearance affects us overall.  Oiling is considered a standard care practice for our hair. It is a custom followed since centuries. Some of us use natural unbranded oil quality while others go for the brands. All claim the same benefits. Oiling is really easy and regular oiling shows great result within a short period of time. Once you go through our list of top ten advantages of oiling your hair, you will not miss on any chances of massaging your hair with this natural gift. Have a look at what oil does to you.


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    Blood Circulation:

    The massage of the fingers on the scalp increases the blood circulation to the head area. It refreshes you and stimulates your body.

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    Headache Relief:

    A good massage with oil relieves any headache that you have. The increased blood circulation cures the headache and the fingertips massage it away.

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    Reduced Itching:

    A massage of hot oil is good for the scalp and reduces any itching problems that you have. At times, the itching is so bad that it develops a bruise. A massage of hot oil provides a natural and inexpensive cure.

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    Oiling your hair works like a conditioner. It makes the hair silky and full of life. It strengthens the roots of the hair and prevents any breakage.

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    Prevents Split Ends:

    Oil nourishes our hair. It strengthens the strands and prevents development of any split ends. It is good for the repair of any split ends.

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    Natural Shine:

    Oil brings natural shine and gleam to the hair. It gives a glossy texture to your hair to get rid of the rough look. With regular oiling, you do not need any spray to make your hair appear shiny.

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    No Dandruff:

    It moisturizes the skin and eliminates the presence of any dandruff. No more embarrassing itching and flakes in front of people.

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    Longer Hair:

    Oil and the massage after it stimulates hair growth. The growth rate of the hair increases and you get longer hair in a shorter period of time.

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    Lesser Hair Loss:

    With regular oiling, there is a dramatic decrease in the amount of hair loss. It strengthens both the roots and the strands themselves.

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    Greater Sebum:

    Oil increases the production of sebum in our scalp. This substance prevents our hair from turning rough and dry. This ensures that hairs are both healthy and shiny without the use of any chemicals.

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