Top 10 Best WordPress Security Plugins

In the past few years, WordPress has become one of the most widely used Content Management System when it comes to building a website. More and more people are converting to WordPress because of its stable system, easy to use interface, a huge community support and a availability of a huge variety of plug-ins to make the user experience better.

Security is something that has made WordPress as the first choice for many web developers around the world. However, when it comes to something on Internet, nothing can be free from security holes. That is the reason why many developers have designed different security plug-ins for WordPress, in order to make user experience safer.


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    Better Web Security

    Better Web Security is a free plug-in which you can use to identify any security holes in your installation, and fix them, in a bid to secure your website from different types of hacks.

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    Security Ninja

    Security Ninja is the only paid plug-in in this list, but it is worth to pay money for this specific plug-in, as it used around 30 plus measures to check your website for security issues, and takes actions accordingly, to make your site clean and back up all the files.

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    Bulletproof Security

    If you want to make your website defend some hacks such as XSS, RFI, CSRF, Basе64, Codе Injection hacking, then you should install Bullеtproof Security plug-in in your WordPress site, as it works great against all the mentioned hacks.

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    Wordfence is a great free WordPress plug-in, which allows its users to defend against different virus attacks, malicious URL scanning and help in live traffic check.

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    Anti-Malware – GOTMLS

    GOTMLS stands for Get Off Malicious Scripts, and the plug-in greatly helps in removing any malicious scripts in your WordPress website. As a result, your website remains safe from being hacked.

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    WordPress Firewall 2

    WordPress Firewall 2 is a plug-in which helps your website to defend against bad requests different malicious sources on the internet.

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    Login Security Solution

    Many times it happens that websites get hacked from their admin panels, due to any easy to guess password, or login phishing. In order to defend against login hack, you can install Login Security Solution in your WordPress website.

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    WordPress File Monitor Plus

    This plug-ins keeps an update of all the files stores in your WordPress site, and reports the admin about changes made to different files due to any malware attack. It allows the admin to take necessary action right away.

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    BBQ – Block Bad Queries

    In order to make your website safe from known bad or attacking url requests, you can install  BBQ – Block Bad Queries plug-in in your WordPress site.

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    If you want to get rid of spam comments right after you get them on your posts, then nothing can be better than NoSpamNX, as it analysis the posts and if something appears to be spam, it transfers it to the spam folder directly.

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