Top 10 Events that can Lead to World War 3

Wars are never a good solution to the problems between nations. The greatest wars being fought in the recent past are the World War 1 and World War 2, which engulfed a number of countries within their clutches. It is believed that these two great wars have changed the course of the world’s history. Violence and terrorism has already taken different regions of the world and it is anticipated that certain international issues might pile up to ignite a World War 3.
Conflict between United Kingdom and Islamic Countries
A number of terrorist events took place in London in July 2005, resulting several human casualties and the Islamist home grown terrorists were believed to be responsible for those deaths. It raised conflicts between Bruisers and Islamic people, further causing several killings for the revenge and becoming a significant event in UK to become a possibility of war among countries.
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Battle for Oil
Taking control of the oil reserves of the world has become the priority of USA and UK alike. The allied forces have waged war upon Iraq to take the rich oil reserves and shuffle world’s petroleum market and make money.
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Scarcity of Resources
With the world’s population increasing at a rapid pace, resources are getting scare to create distress among some countries. Resource wars might become inevitable at a certain point.
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Conflict between America and Saudi Arabia
The recent Gulf War started off from Kuwait and America allied with Saudi Arabia and other neighbouring countries to wage war. It appeared as if the stage is set for the World War 3 but things got cooled down. However, the conflicts are still continued between those countries.
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Conflict between North Korea and South Korea
North Korea and South Korea have been in stressing relations for the past many years but the things got heated with the recent bombing in Yeon Pyeong in 2010. North Korea launched 160 missiles on the island of South Korea and the tension between the two countries has never bogged down ever since.
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India China War
The Sino-Indian war of 1962 has still its effects on the borders of both nations, who have huge armies. The conflict between the countries might lead to the World War 3 and brutally affect the economic trade.
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Afghanistan War
USA and its allies invaded Afghanistan against the al-Qaida group in 2001 and the war is still not over yet, forcing many people to leave their homeland in search of peace. This war might spread in the surrounding regions and ignite World War 3.
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Cuban Missile Crisis
The cold war of 1962 between the Soviet Union and USA was ended with the agreement that Soviet missiles will be kept in Cuba and USA will never invade the Caribbean region.
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Conflict with Israel
Israel has been a strong ally of USA for years but the recent issues regarding the nuclear facilities of Israel have grown tension between the two countries.
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Syrian Civil War
Circumstances in Syria have brought the country on the verge of a civil war and this might become the immediate cause of the World War 3.
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