Top 10 Facts about Lance Armstrong you don’t know

Lance Armstrong is an American born professional cyclist, who started his professional career in 1992 and announced farewell to the sport in 2011 after claiming seven Tour de France titles and numerous other trophies in his cabinet.
Armstrong will remain as the greatest cyclist of all time for millions of people around the world despite of his controversial career, which involved a lot of twists and turns, including the fact that he has been banned for life and stripped off all his achievement after it was found that he had always doped.
Armstrong was born on September 18, 1971 in Texas.
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The American International established “Livestrong Foundation”, previously called as “Lance Armstrong Foundation”, for the benefit of cancer patients.
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The 41-year-old managed to win his first major title (champion of the USA Triathlon) in 1989. However, Lance along with his coaches quickly realised that the bike riding is his strongest side where he can achieve unprecedented heights.
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In 1991, Armstrong made the nation proud after winning the U.S. Championships.
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He became one of the youngest riders to win the world championship in 1993. This was followed by winning the individual stages of Olympus cycling including "Tour de France" and the title of number one cyclist in the United States.
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Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer in the abdominal cavity, lungs, and, worst of all, the brain. Though the chances of the athlete’s survival were not good enough, Lance did not give up and managed to win the battle against cancer. The legendary athlete made a remarkable return and managed to rediscover his old form.
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After seven consecutive wins “Tour de France”, Armstrong announced his retirement. However in 2008, the athlete resumed his career and unlike many veterans, Armstrong did not come back for the money. He pedalled for a cause, giving people knowledge about cancer patients and their problems.
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Surprisingly, Armstrong won bronze in 2009 after taking third place at "Tour de France" and in 2011, Lance announced his retirement for the second time in his career.
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Only a year later, the American Association for the fight against doping accused Armstrong for using illicit drugs. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) stripped the famous American cyclist of the bronze medal earned during 2000 Sydney Olympics.
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24 August 2012 was the saddest day for all cycling fans, referees and cyclists. On this day, the head of the U.S. Anti-Doping Committee (USADA) found Armstrong guilty of using performance enhancing drugs.
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