Top 10 Fun things you can do after Retirement

Time passes quickly as we are born, grow older, go to school then college, get married, have children and grow old. Remember that life is a journey from cradle to coffin and you should enjoy it to its fullest. In all phases you are bound with responsibilities, pay rents, look after your wife and children and we need to fulfill these responsibilities. When you grow old, you might have regrets of not following your dreams. However, after you retire and free from everything, you can pursue your dreams and do whatever you want. Keep in mind that sitting idle after retirement will only lead to diseases and depression. You should engage in some activity which you love.
Join Politics
You can join politics after retirement. Politics is a full time entertainment nowadays with drama and thriller. You can start from lower level like city council etc. In case you lose, you can apply next year and if you win, it will be great.
Back to college
It will be great if you go back to college and opt what you always dream of studying. Due to some reasons you might have opt some field which you do not like. You can now choose the field which you always wanted.
Get married again
This option is for those who are left single, divorced, widowed or alone. In case your life partner is not alive then this is your chance to have fun with married life again.
Have an affair
In case you cannot afford to marry again or to have responsibilities again, then you can have an affair. Remember that best thing about having an affair is that you can change your partner if you are not happy with one.
Open a club
You can open up a society or a club such as a fan club of your favourite actor or football team. It would be great meeting new people with same likes and discuss about your favourite person or team.
Run a marriage bureau
You can run a marriage bureau in which you will help people find their soul mates. This is because instead of people hunting themselves, they pursue this agency to help them find one.
Travel around the world
This is your time to see the whole world. Remember that it will cost you a lot so you can tour inside your country if you have less money.
Run a cafe
You can always run a cafe after retirement. You can have a themed cafe e.g. if you love football then have a soccer theme cafe.
Party hard
Now you can party hard as no one will be asking you why you are out or up whole night.
Start acting career
You can enter media or start acting career. It will be fun if you enter a series, movies or even star in a commercial. Simply enjoy your life to its fullest.