Top 10 Funny Pranks you can Play on April Fools Day

People are anxiously waiting for 1st April to come when they plan different tricks and pranks on their loved ones. This is a day of humour and teasing. However, it can be annoying and frustrating when you become the victim. The day of fool is celebrated by everyone, both fool and intelligent. Few people think they are smarter than others and cannot be fooled. However, even these fall into traps at the end of the day. On the other hand few people just trap everyone and rule the day of fools.


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    Toilet Trap

    You can place a clear plastic wrap on the toilet seat and see the consequences. Wrap the sheet in a way so it is not visible. Do not forget to hear the screams of others when they visit bathroom for pee or getting fresh. This prank is most effective in the night time as they are half asleep then. Remember to clean the bathroom after the prank.

    Toilet trap

    You can place a clear plastic wrap on the toilet seat and see the consequences. Wrap the sheet in a way so it is not visible. Do not forget to hear the screams of others when they visit bathroom for pee or getting fresh. This prank is most effective in the night time as they are half asleep then. Remember to clean the bathroom after the prank.

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    Soap coat

    You can coat the soap with a nail polish and let your roommate use it. This is the best time to stop your roommate if he uses all your stuff when you are away. Wake up early and use the washroom first. Then paint an old transparent nail polish on the soap.

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    Swap the phonebook contacts

    This prank can be mean but it is a lot of fun. You need to swap the phonebook contacts of your friend’s phone when he goes to washroom or elsewhere. Remember that you can create a backup before you execute this prank. Let the name same and swap the numbers.

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    Baby powder into hair dryer

    You can pour some baby powder into the victim’s hair dryer. Remember to visit the bathroom before he or she goes and apply the baby powder. Prepare yourself with a camera nearby as when he or she uses, the victim’s hair will be all white.

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    You can set early morning alarms like 3 a.m., 4 a.m. etc. However, you are required to gather few alarm clocks and set alarms on mobile phones to disturb your friends.

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    Fake popping of tyres

    You can attach a balloon on the tailpipe of the car and then sit in. Wait for your parents or friends to come and let them drive. When the engine starts, the balloon will fill and eventually pop up.

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    You can attach some duct tape on the plunger of kitchen or bathroom tap. When someone opens the tap, a splash of water will fall on the victim.

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    Dual remote

    In case you can arrange dual remote, you can have a lot of fun on the fools’ day. When the victim wants to see his favourite channel, you can change it to other.

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    Oreo biscuit

    You can remove the cream of the Oreo biscuits and replace it with paste. Let the victim eat these biscuits.

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    Flavoured tea

    You can prepare tea for your friends and family members. While preparing, you can add combination of spices or add other flavours. Stay back and observe the victim’s reaction.

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