Top 10 Health Benefits of Honey

Bees provide us with honey which is used for various purposes besides being a natural edible ingredient. In old times honey was used to cure wounds whereas in modern times, it is used as antiseptic in formation of several products. Honey is like a blessing to us as it has several uses. Besides acting as a dressing to liven up the taste of salads and ice creams, honey has many benefits. It is strongly recommended that you avail the easy supply of honey in order to get maximum use of it.
Prevents heart diseases and cancer
As honey contains anti-oxidants and flavonoids, it lowers the risk of heart diseases. In addition to this, it also prevents a person from getting cancer if he is regularly consuming it.
Good for skin
Honey is used for skin beauty. It not only nourishes your skin but also moisturises and cleanses it. Honey makes you look younger in old age and make your skin glow.
Reduces weight
Honey contains more calories than sugar. However, when consumed with warm water, it helps in weight reduction by digesting fats.
Provision of vitamins, calcium and iron
Honey contains vitamin C, calcium and iron which are essential for our body. Remember that body needs certain vitamins to function properly and with the intake of honey in your diet regularly, you will fulfil the body requirements.
Increase athletes’ performances
Honey acts as energy booster for athletes and increases their performances. Many athletes eat honey along with dried figs for boosting their physical energy. Eating honey will not only provide energy to your body but will keep you stay fit and healthy.
Heal wounds
Honey can be used as anti-bacterial solution in order to heal wounds. You can either apply it or consume, in both cases your healing process will be accelerated.
Probiotic properties
A human body required certain bacteria in order to keep functioning properly. Honey can provides these friendly bacteria like Lactobacilli for our body.
Prevent cough
Medicines heal coughing but for a short time only. However, honey is the best solution for cough and sore throat. This is because honey soothes sore throats. It also aids in sleeping when taken with warm milk.
Minimizing diabetic problems
Honey is used to regulate blood sugar and eventually lowers diabetic problems. It has the right amount of fructose and glucose which maintains blood sugar level of your body.
Diabetic ulcers
Diabetic ulcers are nowadays most common problems. There are many medications but some people cannot consume antibiotics. Honey comes in handy for these people as it helps in healing these ulcers.