Top 10 Most Bizarre Hobbies
Every person has a list of hobbies which includes the things he or she likes to do in free time. Many have hobbies which are common such as playing soccer, photography or playing video games. However, there are some people who have the most bizarre list of hobbies which are hard to believe. These hobbies include things like eating dirt, body piercing, getting tattoos or collecting nails.
Collecting postage stamps may have become a bit old in today’s time which is why there are bizarre acts such as collecting nails coming up.
Many people have the hobby of dressing like fairy tale or superhero characters. These people have a host of costumes of their favourite characters and like to dress up like them at parties or events -
Eating dirt
This might sound weird but it is a habit that many people have. Some of them cannot live a day without this hobby
Nail collection
Some people have the hobby of collecting nails they cut. They store the nails in jars and love the collection -
Long nails
Women love to grow their nails. But growing nails beyond a certain extent can be gross. Some people have nails that are up to 20 inches long. They take great care of their nails and keep them in good shape -
Body piercing
Body piercing has become a huge hobby among teenagers nowadays. They take it as a fashion statement and get navel, eyebrows and tongue piercings -
Body tattoos
Getting tattoos has become one of the most popular hobbies, not only amongst young ones but also among elders. Some people have over 80% of their bodies covered in tattoos -
Animal grooming
Some people have the hobby of grooming their pets. They like to decorate their pets regularly and dress them up also -
Scary artefacts
A lot of people love scary stuff which is why they love to keep spooky things in their rooms and living areas. This may include horror masks, dresses or movies -
Acting dead
A lot of people like to act dead which is why they create scenes by themselves and film. They see themselves afterwards and enjoy how they have acted. One of the most bizarre hobbies -
Extreme ironing
Ironing in extreme conditions is loved by many adventure lovers. Even though it is a dangerous hobby, a lot of people love to perform these tasks under extreme conditions.