Top 10 Must Have Apps for Macbook Pro

After getting the Macbook Pro, first thing which comes across your mind is to get cool apps. You can easily download from the Mac App Store just like you do from your iPhone’s App Store. You will find applications of all kinds and for all purposes. Simply search the one you desire and you will easily find it. Remember that the Mac App Store has grown a lot in these past few years. This means more and useful applications are available which caters on all categories ranging from mails and social networking applications to games.


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    Skype is one of the best application by which you can be in touch with your family and friends who are living far away. It allows you to make video calls and video conferencing. You can even make calls to mobile phones and dial international landlines with prepaid minutes.

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    Adium is a messenger which allows you to connect with multiple networks such as MSN, Yahoo, Google Talk, ICQ and Facebook Chat. It has other features as well e.g. file transfers and events system.

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    Google Notifier

    Nowadays almost every other person uses google for almost everything. You use its emailing accounts to send/receive mails and for many other purposes. Google Notifier is the right app for this purpose. It will let you check your mails for your Gmail accounts. Besides this it also allow you to see calendar events without opening the browser.

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    This application is like a to-do list manager. You can add tasks and events to remind you. In addition to this, you can synchronize with your iCal and Mail.

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    An alternative to Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro, Gimp is an image editing application. It is free, has several cool features and is a great alternative for many photo relating applications.

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    This amazing application allows you to play any kind of video files on your Macbook Pro. By this you can handle subtitles, CDs, DVDs and even web streams.

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    Google Chrome

    Google Chrome is one of the most efficient web browsers available. It has several features and you can customize according to your desire. It is extremely fast and you can easily search on google with it.
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    If you love Tetris, this is the right application to download. This game is addictive and fun to play.

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    Caffeine is a cool little application which prevents your Mac from going to sleep. It is located in the menu bar and is available whenever you require.

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    In order to burn your disk, this is the best application. It has several features including from automatically converting to custom icons and file permissions.

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