Top 10 Reasons for Divorce in America

The divorce rate is increasing at an alarming rate across the globe and unfortunately, America is no exception to this. Anyone who has had an opportunity to attend an American wedding would be familiar with the merry-making and the happy atmosphere that exists during the occasion. There is hardly any sight as beautiful as that of the bride walking down the aisle to join her husband-to-be at the altar. The occasion is meant to mark the beginning of a beautiful journey. This, however, does not turn out to be the case for some couples, as they are compelled to part ways due to different reasons.
Lack of communication
When couples stop discussing and sharing things, they set themselves on a path to divorce. It is extremely important to keep talking and listening to each other to maintain solid communication and strengthen trust in one another. Unfortunately, a lot of couples in America fail to understand its importance and therefore suffer the consequences.
A considerable percentage of married men cheat on their wives. The affairs can start in offices, clubs, parties and vacations. When a wife gets a sniff of her husband’s illicit affair, she naturally feels betrayed and disgusted, which is why she is compelled to divorce him.
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Financial problems
Paying utility bills, shopping for groceries, paying the rent - everything requires money. When there is a shortage of money and there are a lot of pending bills, both the husband and wife begin to feel stressed. This stress leads to regular arguments and bickering. In some occasions, these arguments morph into fights, and eventually lead to divorce.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse is a huge factor in the high rate of divorce in America. It is not uncommon to hear about a wife being beaten up by her husband just because he suspected her of cheating on him, was drunk, angry, or simply because he wished to assert his dominance over her.
Emotional abuse
Verbal insults, intimidation, humiliation and taunts can lead to emotional scarring. A lot of women in America experience this trauma and the only way out for them is divorce.
Physical and emotional incompatibility
A lot of couples make a hasty decision about getting married even though they have not been together for too long. It is only after getting married and spending more time with each other that they realise how incompatible they are, both physically and emotionally. This consequently leads them to getting a divorce.
Lack of physical interest
Some couples stop finding each other physically attractive after staying in marriage for a long time. They also begin to feel their emotional connection weakening and eventually becoming virtually non-existent. At the same stage, they start getting attracted to other people. Rather than cheating on each other, they simply choose to end their marriage and move on to another person.
Change in priorities
Some marriages break apart because there is a gradual shift in priorities. In the early days of marriage, both the husband and wife are happy and content because they mean the world to each other. However, with the passage of time, suddenly, the career becomes more important for one of them, or social interactions becomes more important for the other. Such changes in priorities gradually push the couple towards divorce.
High expectations
A lot of couples in America go for divorce because their spouse fails to meet their expectations. While having expectations is normal, not being able to cope with the disappointment of finding someone failing to live up to them is where the problem arises.
Alcohol and nicotine addiction
Drinking and smoking is not only harmful to a person’s health, but also to their married life. Alcohol and cigarette addiction is one of the most common reasons behind couples seeking divorce in America.