Top 10 Ways to Handle Stress

The frequency and intensity of stress has increased over the years, with people finding it increasingly tough to deal with the hectic and therefore challenging everyday life. It has become a prevalent modern-day plague, affecting nearly everyone at some point in their life.

Different people have different ways of dealing with stress, some of which are effective, while others fail to bring the desired relief that a person is searching for.

There are, however, a few ways to handle stress that have been widely acknowledged as effective and extremely convenient to exercise.


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    Try to take a break from work to sooth your soul and calm your mind through relaxation exercises such as simple stretches. Taking deep breaths is a very effective way of making the body and mind feel relaxed.

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    Laughter is indeed the best medicine when it comes to handling stress. It is a body’s natural stress-buster, allowing it to release pent-up anxiety, anger, aggression and fear.

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    Find a friend

    Sit down with a friend and talk about things that are contributing to your stress. Venting your frustration will make you feel much better.

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    Get back to nature

    Stop keeping yourself confined within the boundaries of your house or workplace. Get out of the building to breathe fresh air. If possible, take a break from the city life and visit some resort.

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    Exercise regularly

    Doctors have been stressing on the importance and benefits of exercises for quite a number of years now. It triggers the release of beneficial hormones, while also affecting the energy level of the body. Take some time out from your daily routine to exercise regularly.

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    Positive thinking

    Stress is often triggered by negative thoughts and the intensity of this tension increases even further if the negativity is allowed to persist in the mind. Therefore, whenever you see your head filling up with negative thoughts, do your best to reframe them into positive thoughts.

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    Eat well

    Feeding the body with the right food and keeping it hydrated will help you in battling stress and reducing its impact to a minimum.

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    Indulge in activities that you love

    There is no better way to relax than to do what you love to do. Instead of succumbing to the pressures and tensions, distract yourself with a hobby. Try to spend some time doing your favourite thing every day.

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    Let go of worries

    Everyone has worries in their life. It is an unfortunate truth. Since no matter what you do, you will always find yourself carrying the weight of worries, it is best to distract yourself from these negative thoughts.

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    Guided imagery to reduce stress

    During periods of stress, guided imagery can serve as an effective tool to help you attain peace of mind. Whenever you find yourself under stress, try to imagine the time and place where you were feeling extremely relaxed and happy. Keep concentrating on that time instead of the stress in present time.

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