UNICEF Office in Dubai

An acronym for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the UNICEF is an international organization that caters specifically to underprivileged children, by facilitating them with the basic needs and requirements of life. Children belonging to all sorts of countries, from war-torn nations, to poor countries ravaged by poverty, famine, and disease, are catered to by the UNICEF.

Regardless of background and nationality, the UNICEF works tirelessly, on an international scale, for the betterment of the lives of children, in all aspects. Be it a war, a natural disaster, or the devastating spread of diseases like HIV/AIDS, the UNICEF has played a large part in aiding and protecting children.

Due to its proven reliability, and the trustworthy nature of the assistance it offers, the organization is recognized worldwide, and has branches in multiple countries. In Dubai, the foundation is doing a similar job. Children are the main focus of the UNICEF, and providing them with shelter, food, education and medical assistance are the basic services provided by the organization.



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    The UNICEF focuses on children’s survival and development.

    Education is considered a top priority for children, and cherished as one of their major needs. Children are admitted to schools, regardless of their religion, nationality, race, or gender.

    Children who have been or are being exposed to harsh, abusive treatment in socety, or live in traumatizing circumstances, are provided care and shelter.

    HIV/Aids prevention programs are held regularly, in order to increase awareness, stem the spread of the disease among children, and give medical assistance where it is required.

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    How to Contact:

    To get in touch with the organization, if you wish to volunteer your time or give a monetary donation, you may use the following number:

    Contact: +971 4 3680707

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    UNICEF Gulf Area Office, Dubai Humanitarian & Aid City, Al Doha Street, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    How to Get to UNICEF:

    The UNICEF office is located in the Dubai Humanitarian City, Business Bay. In order to reach the office, you will need to use a private car, as there is no public transport available near the UNICEF office. If you do not own a private car, or are unable to rent one, you can also hire a cab for the purpose of getting you to the office.  There is no metro service in the area, and the closest bus stops are more than a 30-minute walk away, so taking the bus is out of the question.

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