Valentine’s Day Ideas for the Classroom

Valentines’ Day is a great occasion of joy and happiness. Therefore, do not forget the kids on this occasion, as it is a sure way to bring kids together with love and laughter. Classroom parties for kids are usually a challenge for teachers, as they have to be careful about religious differences or other political problems. However, Valentine’s Day is one of the easiest classroom parties to plan with their students. The teachers do not have to worry about anything, as Valentine’s Day is an occasion of happiness for all. What the teachers need is to concentrate on sharing a little love around their class. Follow the given below step by Step Valentine’s Day Ideas for the classroom:


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    Setting stage

    Setting a stage is so simple and interesting activity for both children and teachers. Cut out a bunch of paper hearts in multicolour and tape them all over the stage. Decorate your party stage with heart-shape balloons in pink, red, purple, and white.

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    Classroom Decoration

    When it comes to decorating your classroom for Valentine's Day party, you may want to a bulletin board, nicely decorated with a set of heart-shaped trim. You can also add a nice picture of cupid to it. Cut a large heart for each of your student with each name on the front and staple the hearts on the bulletin board.

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    Valentine’s Day Activities

    You can arrange activities for children to engage them in the party. You can ask the kids to decorate their chairs with their favourite colours or plan some Valentine's Day crafts for them.

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    Valentine’s Day Part Games

    Organise some healthy games for the children, as they love games. Guess how many, pass the heart, heart bean bag toss, Valentine scavenger hunt, fishing for hearts  and Valentine Exchange are some of Children’s all time favourite.

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    What to serve

    Menu is an important part of the classroom parties. Make children-friendly menu, keeping the kids’ in mind. Now ask each child to bring any of the one of the item from the menu.

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