What Are the Main Sources Of Dioxins

Dioxins are highly toxic materials that are released when chemical compounds react at a very high temperature. The temperature of this reaction is usually around 700 Fahrenheit. Therefore it will not be wrong to say that the dioxins cannot be produced when the temperature is low or in freezing temperatures.

Additionally, most household products including the plastic water bottle and containers do not contain the dioxins and hence they are safe to use. Dioxins are environmental pollutants that have the ability to damage our body system. They are highly toxic and therefore it is important to determine their source.


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    Removing dioxins from the body system is a very slow process. Typically it will require you to change your lifestyle. Before doing anything else, you will need to make sure that you stay away from the man made and environmental sources of dioxin. Industrial processes are perhaps the most major contributor in the creation of dioxins.

    Processes such as smelting, pesticide manufacturing and natural bleaching are all carried out at high temperatures and hence they have the tendency to give release toxins. Natural occurrences including earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and forest fires also play a key role in the production of dioxins.

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    It is recommended to stay away from waste incinerators as they are another source of dioxins. Burning of chemical substances including plastic can release significant amount of dioxins into the air. When exposed to such an environment, children and elderly people are especially vulnerable.

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    Too many animal based food products can also a severe effect on your body system. Foods such as beef, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy and port products should be avoided at all times as they are known to contain dioxins polychlorinated biphenyl, which is frequently found in animal feed and waster industrial oil.

    Around 90 percent of the people affected by dioxins are known to have consumed food products that were animal based. Guar gum which is commonly used to thicken the meat products contains a high level of dioxins and therefore you need to make sure that you do not come into contact with this type of products.

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    Avoid using pesticides on your lawn. Products that are not certified as organic should also be avoided. If you have been diagnosed to have dioxins in your body, consider consuming more fruits and vegetables to get of dioxins from your body system.

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