What Does 200 Calories Look Like

Keeping a good count of the calories you are consuming is extremely important. If you need to lose weight or even if you want to remain fit, it is vital that you know what you are eating. Setting a standard for a day is good which means that you can set a required number of calories for a day and commit not to exceed that level. You can do that by knowing that what quantity of foods consist of a particular amount of calories. A 200 calorie benchmark is a brilliant way to start.
A bottle of Cola
Cola is considered to be one of the unhealthiest drinks. If you are on a diet, it would be a pathetic idea to drink a glass of the drink. You would think that it is only a glass of cola you are drinking but a single bottle contains a staggering 200 calories. A 500ml bottle contains the same amount of calories as there are in three pieces of broccoli. -
Three eggs
Eggs are generally considered a good food to enhance the energy levels. You should know that three eggs contain about 200 calories so take note of all the foods you eat in order to maintain a healthy diet. -
Half cheeseburger
Cheeseburgers are considered to be extremely fatty and are poison for anybody who is trying to lose weight. You can judge the extent of damage fast food can do to you by the fact that only half a cheeseburger contains 200 calories. -
One hotdog
Hot dogs do not fall in the category of fast food exactly but it depends on the way you have them. Many diet conscious people boil hot dogs and have them as a meal whereas others deep fry them to get a sandwich made. About 1 ½ hot dogs make 200 calories. -
Small pack of butter
Butter is extremely fatty and many nutritionists would advise you to avoid it. A small 28 grams back of butter consists of 200 calories. It is good to use fat-free butter as it has relatively less calories.