What Is Bunker Gear Made Out Of

Bunker gear, also called a turnout gear, is a gear for use of firefighters at the time they work in hazardous condition, while fighting fire or in other emergencies. The gear includes all clothing items including shoes and have to meet certain standards. For example, the gear must resist fire, heat and toxic material that the firefighters are exposed to in hazardous conditions. Since the gear is always kept near the bunk to be easily accessed by the firefighters in case of emergencies, it has started to be called a ‘Bunker Gear.’ Generally, the clothing is made of leather, but each item has different material.
A Bunker Gear is protective clothing that is used by firefighters while fighting fire and other emergencies. The gear includes all clothing items that are prepared to resist hazardous conditions to protect firefighters. Even shoes are part of the gear that the firefighters must use while working in emergencies.
Since the clothing is kept near the bunk of the firefighters so that it is accessed easily and quickly in the time of emergencies, the gear has started to be referred as the Bunker Gear. The kit includes coat, jacket, pants, belts and shoes that are made in line with certain safety standards. Their job is to protect firemen from hazardous condition as much as possible.
Bunker Gear has to meet certain standards. For example, the gear must be able to resist high level of fire, heat, toxic material and other such stuff that can put the lives of firefighters in danger. The gear is properly tested after manufacturing and if there is a fault it is rejected for wearing straightaway.
Each firefighter has to maintain their gear properly all the time, and in a way that is easy to wear. Since firefighters run against the time in emergencies the purpose of keeping gear in an accessible mode is to save as much time on wearing the gear as possible.
The items in a Bunker Gear are inspected on a regular basis and if they somehow have some faults developed or are worn out, the gear has to be changed immediately. Each item in the gear has to meet a minimum safety standard and if any of them lacks the required standard that is replaced with new ones. Generally, the duty manager is responsible for providing safe protective gear to each firefighter, and in case of any lapse they can be held accountable, unless there is a genuine reason.
The material used to make bunker gear is different. For example, clothing is generally made of material that is inflammable, and does not catch fire. It can be leather or cloth. Similarly, all items in the gear are made of different material, selection of which is made keeping in mind the safety aspect.