What Is Empathy And Why Is It Important

Empathy is the ability to understand others and be emotionally attached to them. Of course, you are not a robot, thus no one expects you to live an isolated life. Everyone has friends, which are mostly the result of an individual’s empathy. It is necessary that you must have the ability to feel the pain of others, be a part of their happiness and understand the problems they could have. On top of everything, you must be able to feel what the other person feels in a particular situation.


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    You do not want to be isolated

    Until or unless you do not wish to be isolated, it is of considerable importance that you must have empathy. You must tell your kid to play with others and be a part of their happiness. You should never encourage their rudeness and tell them that they should be kind to other kids. Telling them to keep their toys away and not share things is not going to help; you should never encourage such activities.

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    Interpersonal bond

    It is often observed that people share their feelings with others when they are distressed or bothered by something. Usually, they share their problems with those persons who they consider worthy enough. Therefore, it is important that you should never let them down and give importance to what they have to say. It is of utmost importance that you listen to them carefully and share your thoughts as this will help in strengthening an interpersonal bond between you and that person. Remember that making interpersonal relation with some people is strongly encouraged, as you might need them for the same cause.

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    Tell your kids the importance of empathy

    If your children lack the element of empathy, you must tell them to improve their ability. Tell them that it is not only important for socialising with people but it would be most required when they enter their professional life. A person without empathy is very unlikely to survive in this competitive world. It will not matter whether the plan to do a job or a business, the lack of empathy will always halt their way.

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    To grow your social circle

    You cannot be in a group of limited friends all the time and thus you need to socialise with other people. Note that the element of empathy will help you in growing your social circle.

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