What to Pack for Hurricane Evacuation

Hurricanes can cause devastation of great magnitude and one should always be ready for such calamities. There are generally warnings issued, days before the hurricane is expected. You need to be prepared in advance if you have to evacuate the place. There are some important things you should keep alongisde so that you face no trouble when you are away from home.

Things Required:

– First aid kit
– Canned foods
– Cereal
– Bottled water
– Energy bars
– Blankets
– Medicines


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    Important documents

    You do not know what will happen to your house after the hurricane so take all the important documents with you when you evacuate. Consider this as the first and the most important step, and never forget to take your credit cards and cash along.

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    First aid kit

    Prepare a first aid kit for the journey. The kit must contain bandages, tape, pain relievers, aspirin and cotton balls. This is important as you need to be prepared for any setback in the way or for any injury during the hurricane.

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    Non-perishable foods

    You need to take bottled water and non-perishable foods when you leave. There should be stock for everyone in your family and it must include canned foods, energy bars, crackers, cereals and any snacks that do not need to be cooked.

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    Clothing and blankets

    Take along the clothes you feel are important, like jackets, sweaters and shoes that may be needed for the number of days you are away from the house. Blankets and sheets are also important in case you have to sleep in the car during the evacuation.

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    Medication is also very important. Make sure you take all the medicines that the doctor has advised for any member of your family. This may be extremely important in case of a medical emergency as you may not able to get the same medicine from somewhere else.

    Panadol and aspirin are usually the most important ones as you may suffer headaches.

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